Hi! My name is Kathryn, but I go by Kat. I opened Kneaded Relief Massage Therapy, in December 2011, in hope to provide more focused therapeutic service. I pledge to always listen and do my best to adjust to your meet your individual needs. It’s just me in a relaxed spacious single studio.
Newest adventures, I am pursuing a Psychology Bachelor’s degree, and looking at a variety of Graduate programs, such as counseling or health services! I believe there is a clear and distinct cross over between the biological/physical and psychological/mental! I am on path to graduate in 2023!
My experience: I graduated Massage Therapy School with honors in 2009 from Blue Cliff College in Gulfport, MS. I was hired at the Hard Rock Spa in Biloxi where I had a lot of fun and it was a great learning experience for a high volume spa but needed more hours and a change of scenery, so off to New Orleans/Metairie! I worked part-time at two different beauty salons since moving, but too often felt it was to much a rush and not the healing environment I wanted for clients. I believe massage should be a relaxing, de-stressing and tension relieving experience with many subtle other health benefits. So I decided to see if I could make a difference by venturing out on my own! I also spent a few years doing chair massage at Harrah’s Casino. I occasionally can be seen at a few local *nerdy* conventions and other community events.
Prior to massage, my most influential health and community conscientious job was a fitness/community/outdoor recreation center on an Army base. I have a history of Military affiliations, as a Navy brat; I have a high interest in using my skills to help people with PTSD, both military and personal. I held quite a few other odd jobs over the years while trying to figure out my “calling”. Life is always an ongoing journey and I feel I’ve chosen the right path. “Aut inveniam viam aut faciam” = “I shall either find a way or make one.” I am a very open, moderately playful but professional and determined person.
I am in school to study psychology and behavioral health; and I personally study nutrition, kinesiology and health promotion. I believe the key to good health is nutrition/diet, de-stressing: self-care, mindfulness & massage), and movement: stretching & exercise!
Being on my own: I love the freedom of being able to give personal time to focus each client that I feel they deserve. Everyone comes in different shapes and sizes, has different things that stress them out, physically and/or mentally, and therefore, everyone needs individualized focus to facilitate the release of pain and stress, and importantly to be heard. Relief of muscular tension, mind and body relaxation and de-stressing are my main goals during a massage. I listen before, during, and after a massage to try to give the best service I can. I’m a good match for proactive and health conscious people and community. I firmly believe in self-care. And on my new school path, I am more interested every day on positive health and behavioral changes! On my own I am able to focus my healing hands, strengths, spirituality, and compassion to help people. I utilize my knowledge of various massage techniques, stretches, anatomy, and kinesiology to work out tension in the body. I am extremely passionate about what I do and I put in a lot of personal and physical energy into every massage. I’m often told how warm my hands become and that my conviction shows in my work! I am Reiki trained for focusing on energetic and spiritual healing as well! Every massage therapist is different, as well as every client. I don’t promise I’ll work out every knot (especially those stubborn ones that have been building for years, in just 60 minutes!) but I do promise I will do my best, every day, every massage, with every individual.
My style/specialty: I have a very smooth slow relaxing and effective style of massage. I take my time warming up the muscle before working in deep, layer by layer. I feel with this method I excel at a relaxing, non-painful deep tissue massage. I use my knowledge of muscle groups and how they interact to map out my massage routine, as well as asking and finding an individual’s problem areas, to provide maximum benefit and efficiency. I feel regular good steady massage is far more effective than a few rough, intense sessions. I attempt to work out knots and tension, instead of trying to force them out. I have found this method more effective, longer lasting, and definitely more enjoyable to receive! I’ve also received many compliments of my hot stone massage methods, and I enjoy utilizing them in combination with deep tissue!
I hope to meet & bring you some much Kneaded Relief!
I Knead you, when you Need me! Mind & body balance, Pain & Stress Relief!
~For your health~ Kat Miscavage, LMT 5637

updated Jan 2023